Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 5 & 6 Reflection by Jonathan

Day 5 EQ1: Retail development is a image of the country's economy. The more expensive and wider the range of the goods sold, it shows that the country has a better and more well off economy. The better economy leads to a even better country development which goes in hand with each other.

Day 6 EQ1: HCMC is a relatively huge city with a special culture. It is the main city in the south of Vietnam and it looks very modernised in certain areas. The French, Chinese and American influence are visible and heightens the first impression of the city. HCMC has many visible signs of a developing city like the on-going constructions of new districts and megamalls.

Day 6 EQ2: A culture is the common shared belief and way of life of a group of people. It is usually closely linked to religious beliefs but a culture can be shared by anyone with the similar thoughts.

Day 6 EQ3: The influential factors of the culture of a country are geological locations, people who live there, the environment, the most dominant religion and many others. Such are crucial factors as the geological location can determine whether the country has a lot of excess to agriculture and water which determines whether more water and agriculture are being involved with the culture of the country. Also, the people and the race determines the culture as people of different races have different mindsets. Other factors have their own unique influence.

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